
Verband Deutscher Antiquare e.V.

Established in 1949, the most important network for the professional rare book trade

The Verband Deutscher Antiquare e.V. (= Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of Germany) has over 200 members and is the country’s most important trade organization for the professional rare book trade. In 1951, just two years after its formation, the association joined the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB) which today consists of 22 national associations around the world.

All members of the Verband Deutscher Antiquare adhere to the guidelines of the profession of antiquarian booksellers (ILAB Code of Ethics). AbeBooks is proud to showcase more than 100 members of the organization.

Whether you look for first editions, signed books, rare items, early prints, ephemera, or rare maps and atlases – you’ll find plenty of bibliophile treasures when you search catalogues of its members.

Benefits of purchasing from members of Verband Deutscher Antiquare:

• You profit from their expert knowledge and long-standing, professional experience
• Members describe all objects with the required bibliographic detail and clearly note any defects
• Members establish selling prices for their objects only after accurate research and calculation
• Members guarantee the authenticity of all objects to the best of their knowledge
• Members make international orders as easy as possible

AbeBooks is proud to work closely with a number of bookseller associations around the world who are dedicated to upholding high professional bookselling standards.
Bookseller associations